Pearl Jam 2019 Tour rumours

Ever since the beginning of the Internet, rumours about Pearl Jam tours have been circulating on fora and social media. They usually start around the time of the last show of a tour. Pearl Jam fans just seem to never get enough and are always looking for and dreaming about the next live performance fix.

Pearl Jam live

Surprisingly, to me at least, more often than not these rumours turn out to be true. Numerous times we have witnessed entire tour schedules being leaked with cities and dates, months before the official announcement from the band. I remember seeing tour schedules for the 2012 and 2014 European tours long before the official announcements, and as late as last year there were rumours about a 2018 spring tour in South America. These rumours were so solid that we took a chance and booked hotels in Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Some time later, the official announcement came and we were lucky to have the best and cheapest hotels just around the corner from the venues (we ended up skipping Chile, and we all know what happened in Argentina, but that’s a whole different story!).

So, what have we heard about tour plans in 2019? Where should we start booking hotels? I’m sure you’re dying to know!

This is what we have heard so far (and remember, these are only rumours! We have no inside sources and only retell what we have heard from various internet sources):

Well, we know for a fact that Eddie Vedder is playing a solo show at Tempe Beach Park and Arts Park in Tempe, AZ on March 3, 2019. Other than that, there has been talk about the Woodstock 50th anniversary, but I personally find that hard to believe.

According to Dublin Live, an “insider” has told them that Pearl Jam will play a show at Malahide Castle just outside Dublin in June 2019. Dublin Live does not mention how this insider is related to the band, venue or promoter, so it is hard to say how reliable this source is.
However, if it turns out to be true, we can be pretty sure to get some more European shows next summer. In this context, we’d just like to throw in that Denmark has not had a show since 2012, and Finland has been waiting since 1993! *hint hint*

Malahide Castle, Dublin
This is what a show at Malahide Castle in Dublin could look like. Who wouldn’t want to see Pearl Jam in such a beautiful setting?

Several users on the Pearl Jam forum have mentioned rumours about Asia, more precisely China and Japan. According to these users, the information came from reliable sources who work with the band. Pearl Jam hasn’t played a show in Asia since 2003, where they played a handful of shows in Japan, so it’s long overdue.

Australia hasn’t seen a Pearl Jam tour since 2014, so based solely on that there should be a probability that the band will go there soon. People have been speculating that an Australian tour would follow immediately after the release of a new record, which is supposed to be on the way. But again, this is only speculation.

South America
The Brazilian online newspaper Metro  reports, that Pearl Jam will be back in the country on 27-29 September or 3-6 October to play at the festival Rock In Rio. A member of the Pearl Jam message board has confirmed rumours about South America coming from someone who is directly affiliated with a band member. Exciting!
Pearl Jam played at the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro in March 2018.
When the band plays in Brazil they usually play in several cities, so it is likely that they will also play in e.g. São Paulo, if this rumour turns out to be true.

Pearl Jam Nordic in Rio 2018
Pearl Jam Nordic representing in Rio de Janeiro the night before the Pearl Jam show, March 2018. We hope to bring many more members of the Nordic tribe next time!

In conclusion, sadly the tour rumours at this point are very vague. We’re clinging on to the hope that there will be a European and South American tour in the near future based on the two most solid rumours, stating that there will be shows in Dublin and Rio de Janeiro in June and Sep/Oct, respectively.

We’ll keep updating this article as we get more news about possible future shows.

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Have you heard or read anything about an upcoming tour or a new album? Please comment below and let us and everyone else know.

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