The end of an era – The Christmas Singles

Today, Pearl Jam released the news that the Christmas singles / Holiday singles/ Annual singles / Fan Club singles are going to be discontinued from 2019.

The annual single, which has been released to fan club members every year (except 1994) since 1991, and has since been a cherished collectible to many fans, is no more. In the beginning, the single was sent to all Ten Club members. However, somewhere along the way, a cheaper digital membership was introduced. Digital members would receive the single in MP3 format and the Deep Magazine in PDF, whereas the Analog members would continue to receive hard copies of both.

The band wrote today in a newsletter sent to their fans, that there will be no more Holiday singles from 2019. Fans who were members in 2017 and/or 2018 will receive their singles from those years as production is finalized.

Continue reading “The end of an era – The Christmas Singles”

Pearl Jam 2019 Tour rumours

Ever since the beginning of the Internet, rumours about Pearl Jam tours have been circulating on fora and social media. They usually start around the time of the last show of a tour. Pearl Jam fans just seem to never get enough and are always looking for and dreaming about the next live performance fix.

Pearl Jam live

Surprisingly, to me at least, more often than not these rumours turn out to be true. Numerous times we have witnessed entire tour schedules being leaked with cities and dates, months before the official announcement from the band. Continue reading “Pearl Jam 2019 Tour rumours”